Search Field


  1. The search field is very powerful and you can search "Find Router" using a large variety of keywords or strings.

Note: Search is done in the data set loaded into the browser. This makes it very fast but the browser content must be updated. To search through resent content please refresh your browser before serach. (Press F5 normally does it.)

Besides searching for "strings" the following keywords can be used:


  • Warn:ppp_24h (List routers with flag set for too many ppp resets last 24 hours)
  • Warn:bw_24h (List routers with flag set for too much data last 24 hours)
  • Warn:bw_month (List routers with flag set for too much data last month)
  • Warn:reboot_24h (List routers with flag set for too many reboots last 24 hours)
  • Warn:vpn (lists routers where VPN is configured but has state "down")

ID lookups

  • [msisdn:4741 (Lists routers with MDISDN starting with 4741 - MSIDSN is set in "Edit Router")
  • [slno:12345 (Lists router with serial number starting with 12345)
  • [id:123 (Lists router with ID/index starting with 123)
  • [group:185] (Lists routers in Group Number 185)

Status lookups

  • def_route:<interface> - lists routers with default route matching interface. Interface can be (for SarOS) "ppp" / "eth", ie. "def_route:eth"


All static data points are searchable. For example:

Name of router - ICCID of SIM card - Group name - Cellular model (ie: "ME909u-521") - Router Model (ie: "WR44") - software version (ie: "Ver5.2.17.12")

If you want to find all routers from a specific operator you can search for first 7 digits in the ICCID.

You can then select the routers by checking the check box - individually or all. If you want to do a job on a selection of routers you can do a search, select the routers and do another search to unselect routers you want to exclude. After all routers have been selected you can click the "Selected" tab and do the task you want.


Actions you can execute on a selection of routers.  web2.JPG

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