Adding the Doppler Daemon to a new Online Digi Router

When you have a router which is connected to the internet you can deploy Doppler Daemon in an easy and secure manner. With this method you are allways getting the latest version and it can be combined with firmware updates and other features.

First you must select Enroll Routers from the top right drop down menu.

You will then get a screen like this:


Paste the enroll string (red text) into your router's CLI - please make sure you get the exact string.

It takes 15-20 seconds to download the script and start executing. When script executes you will see information about progress in the CLI window.

When you return to Doppler and refresh the screen you should see the new router. To find it you can search for serial number.

Please note: If the router you enroll allready exists in Doppler in a different group it will not be moved. This is because you would normally enroll only once and moving routers between groups should happen in Doppler.

Mass Enrollment

If you have many routers you may want to create a script which takes a set of IP addresses and deploys the Doppler Daemon to the routers.


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